Talk:OCS Inventory Tools

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ipdiscover bug

We need to confirm that ipdiscover works when the smeserver is the forced client.

I Tried the following:

ipdiscover eth0 10
Important.png Note:
Usage : ipdiscover [iface name] [latency in ms]

Here's what I got on my server:


Sounds like it's working for me... But IpDiscover discovers nothing when launched by SME OCS' Agent. There must be a problem here!

Windows Agent don't have this problem...



deletion bug

When you delete a package, ocs complains, but it deletes the files anyway, document later


The only way I was able to reproduce an error on package deletion is when I refreshed the page (as files were already removed, I got an error)

Could you be more clear on this bug? How did it happened?


add a package, deploy > activate > click on the red X

ERROR: Can't delete directory /opt/inventory/ocs/download/1194511477

I have documented that you can ignore the error, maybe i should say if you see the error you can ignore?


Upload size limit bug

Must document that on the Wiki:

Max allowed packet value is set to 10M.
=> impact of setting such large value on the server?
=> lower this value maybe?

No need to create a custom template: DB values already exist for this! They are hidden in php.ini templates 40DataHandling and 60FileUploads

php Values can be changed with the following:

config setprop php UploadMaxFilesize 50M PostMaxSize 50M
expand-template /etc/php.ini
signal-event ocsglpi-update

Worked for me!



a minor change, don't release an rpm just for this

/glpi is hard to remember

can we add a duplicate alias, eg /reports

or make a URL db setting so it is configurable

  if (exists $foo{'URL'})
  { $OUT .= "Alias  /$foo{'URL'}  /opt/foo\n"; }


NP, I'll add this improvement in the next release. Do you want this for OCS too?

=> Is there a way to improve your code to test before using the alias that it will not override an existing one?

I will also set 'ocsinventory' and 'ocsinterface' as 'url' types to avoid using these virtual locations ;-) (forgot these ones!)

By the way, it's not so hard to remember: GLPI means Gestion Libre de Parc Informatique :-D

Very easy to remember... For a French guy!


ocs is ok, but maybe give it a URL db for completness,

as the fragment is last in httpd overwriting another value isn't a problem, the point is valid but the only thing that will happen in one of the local sites won't be visible
