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4,643 bytes removed ,  16:01, 6 November 2007
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thanks for the new rpm, deploy > build now works (uploads to downloads)
see history for old info !
deploy > activate fails, currently you can't see www/download, you need to edit the httpd fragment. eg.
rpm -3 installs fine, deploy=>builds ok, /downloads is accessible
Alias /download /opt/inventory/ocs/download
<Directory /opt/inventory/ocs/download>
    Options None
    Options +Indexes
    Options +Includes
    AllowOverride None
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    allow from { $localAccess }
  php_admin_value open_basedir /opt/inventory/ocs:/tmp
now you can see it but activate still fails !@#$
a minor point, I suggest you add /downloads to accounts db as a url next rpm
deploying =>
[[User:Snoble|Snoble]] 01:21, 5 November 2007 (MST)
I think we should just ignore the activate error, the files are visible from clients
I also get stuck when I try to activate a package: I'm getting warnings about information files and fragments not being present at https://myserver/download/123456789 and at http://myserver/download/123456789
Of course files and fragments are at the good place and reachable...
i installed a cacert certificate as per the contribs howto,
This is really weird because according to the '''guide.pdf''', files can be placed on any https capable apache server in ./download/123456789 and accessible at https://fileserver/download/123456789
copied the domain.crt to cacert.pem in the client ocs folder
I get a 403 error page at http://myserver/download but if I put an empty index.html file inside the folder and I can see now a blank page at http://myserver/download
deployed a file, run a client update and it is now aware of the update, so we now wait
So this folder is now reachable for sure with your fixes...
impatient people see
There is also this section about "https certificate" in '''guide.pdf''' at ''sections 8.2 & 8.8.1''. I didn't create the needed '''cacert.pem''' file, did you?
I've successfully tested ipdiscover. As I only have 3 computers for testings, I forced ipdiscover on 2 computer and they discovered my router and my Wifi AP :-)
I've added back stephen's improvements (ocs ng setions)
I've added force discover on the server, ran another inventory and it found nothing else
the guide isn't very clear, if you can document this in a few steps it may help
i get the same error on deply > activate
I haven't copy the certificate yet, I don't think that is needed until the next step of deploying to the PC
[[User:Snoble|Snoble]] 13:43, 5 November 2007 (MST)
=> IPDiscovery doc added. Enjoy!
By the way, I've made a quick list of needed Perl modules... I just gathered needed modules in OCS Server+Agent+IPDiscovery readmes. It should work on all SME versions:
yum install perl'(Apache::DBI)'
yum install perl'(Archive::Tar)'
yum install perl'(Compress::Zlib)'
yum install perl'(Crypt::OpenSSL::Bignum)'
yum install perl'(Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA)'
yum install perl'(DBI)'
yum install perl'(DBD::Mysql)'
yum install perl'(Digest::MD5)'
yum install perl'(IO::Socket::SSL)'
yum install perl'(IO::Zlib)'
yum install perl'(Mail::DomainKeys)'
yum install perl'(MIME::Lite)'
yum install perl'(Net::IP)'
yum install perl'(Net::Jabber)'
yum install perl'(Net::SSLeay)'
yum install perl'(Net::XMPP)'
yum install perl'(SOAP::Lite)'
yum install perl'(LWP)'
yum install perl'(XML::Simple)'
yum install perl'(XML::Stream)'
Some RPMs are not in standard repos, I used DAG or extras to find them... A lot are already installed on SME 7.2, I don't know what will it be on previous SME 7.x versions... I've just installed a fresh new SME 7.2 with all updated and I had 8 perl modules to install. I will try from SME 7.1 without updates to see what happens.
I found several threads talking about disabling SELinux to make OCS work.
Do you know how to disable this for test purposes on SME?
The IP Discovery help looks great, can't wait to try it
As far as i know, SELinux is already turned off on SME
do you wan to make the rpms you list dependencies,
just keep the ones not in a repo in your contribs folder,
then install with
yum localinstall smeserver-tools* --enablerepo=dag (or whatever repos are needed)
also you don't need to restart crond, it just finds new jobs automagically
and only do an inventory on install not upgrade
Thanks for your suggestions, and just glad that I can help you with ipdiscover!
I will modify the RPM after sleeping (it's 05am here lol!)
=> I will also integrate the new apache template you suggested.
=> I also need to rebuild the database with IF NOT EXIST tests... This should be better!
=> There is this this detail I'm not sure: type of ocs and glpi should be "reserved" or "url"? (file ''/etc/e-smith/db/accounts/defaults/glpi/type'')
I've used reserved, i don't think it matters, will setting these values stop the creation of an ibay, it should
maybe we need to set download as a url
IP discover worked on a client, possibly it didn't work on the sme acting as client.
do we care to fix it if that was the problem, just say force on a different pc (or just wait)
I've just uploaded the new RPM (and SRPM). Wait for the sync and update.
Thanks for your help Stefen.
=> MySQL databases are imported with a safer method (use IF NOT EXIST)
=> OCS Apache template modified
=> Minor changes in the uninstall script
=> Crond restart deleted (not needed)
=> Launching inventory is for install only now (not update)
=> Type changed to url instead of reserved (this is really minor and will not update the old value when updating the RPM)

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