SME Site Maker

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SME Site Maker

This script is designed to help you when create a new web site under /opt directory.

If you improve or add new functions, please update this wiki page.


Your can download from here:

Untar and execute.


#!/bin/bash # Author: Normando Hall (PicsOne) # Version: 1.0 # 06/06/2007 clear echo "========================================================" echo "= SME Site Maker Script =" echo "= =" echo "= This script will configure your SME webserver, and =" echo "= make the necesary directory to hold your site. =" echo "= =" echo "= No express or implied warranties are provided and its=" echo "= usage is at your own risk. =" echo "= =" echo "= If you feel confortable with the above then press =" echo "= enter if not press Ctrl+C to abort the configuration =" echo "= script. =" echo "= =" echo "========================================================" read x custom_httpd_dir=/etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf clear ######################### - Site ROOT - ##################################3 f_root="" ANSWER=1 while [ $ANSWER = 1 ] do clear echo " Please enter a directory name where you put the site files." echo " The directory is created under /opt dir." echo " Example \"mySite\" without \" \". No include end or trailing slash" echo ":" read files_root if [ "$files_root" != "" ] then f_root=/opt/$files_root if [ -d $f_root ] then clear echo " This directory already exist. If you want to remove and all contents" echo " hit Y, or N to continue without change" echo " (Y/N/Enter)" echo ":" read YESNO case "$YESNO" in "Y" | "y" ) YESNO=1 rm -rf $f_root;; "N" | "n" ) YESNO=2;; *) YESNO=2;; esac fi ANSWER=0 if [ "$YESNO" != "2" ] then mkdir -p $f_root chown root.www $f_root chmod 644 $f_root fi else clear echo echo "You have not enter a directory name. Hit enter to try again" read x fi done #################### -ALIAS - ###################################### clear a_root="" ANSWER=1 while [ $ANSWER = 1 ] do clear echo echo "Please enter an alias name to access your site." echo "Example \"wiki\" without \" \". No include end or trailing slash" echo ":" read alias_root if [ "$alias_root" != "" ] then a_root=/$alias_root ANSWER=0 else clear echo echo "You have not provide an alias name. Hit enter to try again" read x fi done ##################### - SSL - #################################### clear f_ssl="" clear echo echo "Do you want to force SSL?" echo "This is used to force to secure http (https)" echo "(Y/N/Enter)" echo ":" read YESNO case "$YESNO" in "Y" | "y" ) f_ssl="1";; "N" | "n" ) f_ssl="0";; *) f_ssl="0";; esac ############################ - INDEX - ############################################ clear f_idx="" clear echo echo "Do you want to allow directory index?" echo "This is used to index a directory if no index.htm/l or index.php file is available" echo "(Y/N/Enter)" echo ":" read YESNO case "$YESNO" in "Y" | "y" ) f_idx="1";; "N" | "n" ) f_idx="0";; *) f_idx="0";; esac #################### - AllowOverride - ###################################### clear f_aov="" clear echo echo "Do you want to set AllowOverride All?" echo "This is used to allow process .htaccess files in your site dir" echo "(Y/N/Enter)" echo ":" read YESNO case "$YESNO" in "Y" | "y" ) f_aov="1";; "N" | "n" ) f_aov="0";; *) f_aov="0";; esac ####################### - Includes - ################################### clear f_inc="" clear echo echo "Do you want to allow includes?" echo "(Y/N/Enter)" echo ":" read YESNO case "$YESNO" in "Y" | "y" ) f_inc="1";; "N" | "n" ) f_inc="0";; *) f_inc="0";; esac ##################### - PHP - ##################################### clear php="" clear echo echo "Do you want to execute PHP?" echo "(Y/N/Enter)" echo ":" read YESNO case "$YESNO" in "Y" | "y" ) php="1";; "N" | "n" ) php="0";; *) php="0";; esac if [ "$php" = "1" ] then clear echo echo "Do you want to allow_url_fopen?" echo "This allow open and access remote files in your php scripts" echo "(Y/N/Enter)" echo ":" read YESNO case "$YESNO" in "Y" | "y" ) f_fop="1";; "N" | "n" ) f_fop="0";; *) f_fop="0";; esac clear echo echo "If you have eaccelerator, want to enabled?" echo "(Y/N/Enter)" echo ":" read YESNO case "$YESNO" in "Y" | "y" ) f_eac="1";; "N" | "n" ) f_eac="0";; *) f_eac="0";; esac clear echo echo "Do you want to allow register globals?" echo "(Y/N/Enter)" echo ":" read YESNO case "$YESNO" in "Y" | "y" ) f_rgl="1";; "N" | "n" ) f_rgl="0";; *) f_rgl="0";; esac fi ###################### - CGI - ####################################### clear cgi="" clear echo echo "Do you want to execute CGI?" echo "(Y/N/Enter)" echo ":" read YESNO case "$YESNO" in "Y" | "y" ) cgi="1";; "N" | "n" ) cgi="0";; *) cgi="0";; esac if [ "$cgi" = "1" ] then ANSWER=1 while [ $ANSWER = 1 ] do clear echo echo "Please enter a directory name to hold your cgi scripts." echo "If you don't enter a directory, assume you want to allow cgi scripts in $f_root root directory." echo "If you provide a directory, this is created under $f_root/your_cgi_dir directory" echo ":" read cgi_root if [ "$cgi_root" != "" ] then c_root=$f_root/$cgi_root YESNO=1 if [ -d $c_root ] then clear echo "This directory already exist. If you want to remove and all contents" echo "hit Y, or N to continue without change" echo "(Y/N/Enter)" echo ":" read YESNO case "$YESNO" in "Y" | "y" ) YESNO=1 rm -rf $c_root;; "N" | "n" ) YESNO=2;; *) YESNO=2;; esac fi ANSWER=0 if [ "$YESNO" != "2" ] then mkdir -p $c_root chown root.www $c_root chmod 777 $c_root fi else ANSWER=0 c_root=$f_root fi done if [ "$c_root" = "$f_root" ] then ca_root=$a_root chown root.www $ca_root chmod 777 $ca_root else clear ###################### - CGI ALIAS -######################################### ca_root="" ANSWER=1 while [ $ANSWER = 1 ] do clear echo echo "Please, provide a cgi alias." echo ":" read calias_root if [ "$calias_root" != "" ] then ca_root=/$calias_root ANSWER=0 else clear echo echo "You have not enter a cgi alias name. Hit enter to try again" read x fi done fi fi #################### - Configuration NAME - ############################################ clear c_name="" ANSWER=1 while [ $ANSWER = 1 ] do clear echo echo "Please enter a name for this configuration." echo ":" read conf_name if [ "$conf_name" != "" ] then c_name=99SMESiteMaker_$conf_name ANSWER=0 else clear echo echo "You have not provide a configuration name. Hit enter to try again" read x fi done ################ - Final Step - #################################### c_file=$custom_httpd_dir/$c_name if [ -d $custom_httpd_dir ] then custom_httpd_dir=$custom_httpd_dir #Anyone know a negate if for check? = if [directory NOT exist $dir] else mkdir -p $custom_httpd_dir fi fopt="" touch $c_file echo ' ' > $c_file echo "Alias $a_root $f_root" >> $c_file if [ "$cgi" = "1" ] then echo "ScriptAlias $ca_root $c_root" >> $c_file fi echo "<Directory $f_root>" >> $c_file if [ "$f_ssl" = "1" ] then echo 'SSLRequireSSL on' >> $c_file #echo 'RequireSSL on' >> $c_file #for SME6 fi if [ "$php" = "1" ] then echo 'AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml' >> $c_file fi if [ "$f_idx" = "1" ]||[ "$f_inc" = "1" ]||[ "$f_aov" = "1" ] then fopt="Options " if [ "$f_idx" = "1" ] then fopt="$fopt Indexes " fi if [ "$f_inc" = "1" ] then fopt="$fopt +Includes " fi if [ "$f_aov" = "1" ] then fopt="$fopt FollowSymLinks " fi echo "$fopt" >> $c_file if [ "$f_aov" = "1" ] then echo 'AllowOverride all' >> $c_file fi fi echo 'order deny,allow' >> $c_file echo 'deny from all' >> $c_file echo 'allow from all' >> $c_file if [ "$php" = "1" ] then if [ "$f_fop" = "1" ] then echo 'php_flag register_globals on' >> $c_file else echo 'php_flag register_globals off' >> $c_file fi if [ "$f_rgl" = "1" ] then echo 'php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen on' >> $c_file else echo 'php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen off' >> $c_file fi if [ "$f_eac" = "1" ] then echo 'php_admin_value eaccelerator.enable 1' >> $c_file fi fi echo '</Directory>' >> $c_file clear # for debug only # echo "$files_root" # echo "$f_root" # echo "$alias_root" # echo "$a_root" # echo "$f_ssl" # echo "$f_idx" # echo "$f_aov" # echo "$f_inc" # echo "$php" # echo "$f_fop" # echo "$f_eac" # echo "$f_rgl" # echo "$cgi" # echo "$cgi_root" # echo "$c_root" # echo "$calias_root" # echo "$ca_root" # echo "$conf_name" # echo "$c_name" # echo "$custom_httpd_dir" # echo "$c_file" # echo "$fopt" expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/init.d/httpd-e-smith restart # /sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf # For SME6 # service httpd restart # For SME6 echo "=====================================================" echo "= Installation of you site is complete. =" echo "= Now you can copy your site files under $f_root. =" echo "= Access your site in http://your_domain/$alias_root=" echo "=====================================================" Code: