Radius Authentication

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The framework is already in place for radius. In order to use it please define the client host in hostnames and addresses.

Once you have done this then you need to define the shared radius key for that host. You can do this with the following command:

db hosts setprop {full hostname} RadiusKey {random string of characters} signal-event remoteaccess-update


db hosts setprop wireless.mydomain.com RadiusKey abcdefg123456789 signal-event remoteaccess-update

After this I'd go to the device defined by wireless.mydomain.com and point to the internal interface ip for the server and enter the same key.

You just need to use:

$pw = esmith::util::LdapPassword;
$pw =~ s/^(.{31}).*$/$1/;As radius shared secret on SoftEther side

Just enter as radius server, and the result of the command I gave you as shared secret (or you can find the secret key in /etc/raddb/clients.conf in the existing localhost section----