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eGroupWare is a [http://www.egroupware.org/philosophy free] enterprise ready groupware software for your network. It enables you to manage contacts, appointments, todos and many more for your whole business.
eGroupWare is a [http://www.egroupware.org/philosophy free] enterprise ready groupware software for your network. It enables you to manage contacts, appointments, todos and many more for your whole business.
eGroupWare is a groupware server. It comes with a native web-interface which allowes to access your data from any platform all over the planet. Moreover you also have the choice to access the eGroupWare server with your favorite groupware client (Kontact, Evolution, Outlook) and also with your mobile or PDA via SyncML.
eGroupWare is a groupware server. It comes with a native web-interface which provides the ability to access your data from any platform with a web browser, both inside and outside the local network. Moreover you also have the choice to access the eGroupWare server with your favorite groupware client (Kontact, Evolution, Outlook) and also with your mobile or PDA via SyncML.
eGroupWare is international. At the time, it supports more than [http://www.egroupware.org/languages 25 languages] including rtl support.
eGroupWare is international. At this time, it supports more than [http://www.egroupware.org/languages 25 languages] including rtl support.
For more information see ''http://www.egroupware.org/''.
For more information see ''http://www.egroupware.org/''.

Revision as of 10:22, 19 October 2008

eGroupWare 1.4.004 for SME 7.x and above


Dietmar Berteld

Sylvain Gomez

Stéphane Gauvin


eGroupWare is a free enterprise ready groupware software for your network. It enables you to manage contacts, appointments, todos and many more for your whole business.

eGroupWare is a groupware server. It comes with a native web-interface which provides the ability to access your data from any platform with a web browser, both inside and outside the local network. Moreover you also have the choice to access the eGroupWare server with your favorite groupware client (Kontact, Evolution, Outlook) and also with your mobile or PDA via SyncML.

eGroupWare is international. At this time, it supports more than 25 languages including rtl support.

For more information see http://www.egroupware.org/.

With this RPM you can use eGroupWare on your SME 7.x (and above). You can install it as one single package in a very comfortable way.


For installation just hit the following command

wget http://mirror.contribs.org/contribs/sgomez/contribs/egroupware/smeserver-egroupware-1.4.004-1.noarch.rpm
yum localinstall smeserver-egroupware-1.4.004-1.noarch.rpm


Please note that this RPM cannot upgrade eGroupWare 1.2.x

Warning.png Warning:
rpm -e smeserver-egroupware --noscripts

This will prevent installation files and MySQL to be deleted.

* Affected versions are smeserver-egroupware-1.4-10 and older

Then, you can update your existing 1.4 installation with

rpm -Uvh smeserver-egroupware-1.4.004-1.noarch.rpm

If you were upgrading eGroupWare version (i.e.1.4.001 to 1.4.002) you must finish the upgrade at the Config-Admin Setup with your existing credentials. Then click on upgrade...


Then re-check your install


If all went ok, upgrade is done!


A backup is done by the RPM before updating. All Files and MySQL DataBase are saved in /opt/eGW_RPM_BACKUP You must move the backup to a safe directory.

This automatic step is just for safety, make your own backup before updating/upgrading.


For uninstall just hit the following command

yum remove smeserver-egroupware

In the new release (1.4.002-x), if you want to completly remove eGroupWare from your server, you need the following command:

sh /root/eGW-Full-Uninstall.sh

This will delete eGroupWare's installation files, MySQL DB and SME DB entries.

Starting with eGroupWare

Please perform the Intial Configuration FIRST before login to eGroupWare. After that SME users can login to eGroupWare with their used SME account + password. At first login, eGroupWare creates user accounts and passwords automatically and synchronize them to the SME Server.

Inital Configuration

You can find eGroupWare in the /opt/egroupware directory. For using eGroupWare start your browser with the URL http://servername/egroupware/setup and logon with the user config-admin + password admin at Setup/Config Admin Login.


Now you should create eGroupWare's admin-account. Because eGroupWare uses mail authentication, the admin-account must be a valid SME account/password. This account will be able to use+administrate eGroupWare.


Logout after creating the admin account.

Changing passwords for eGW config-admin / header-admin

Go to your browser and logon with the user header-admin + password admin at Header Admin Login.


Change the passwords for the users config-admin and header-adminnow:



Store the new passwords with "Write".

Warning.png Warning:
For security-reasons, change the passwords for the users config-admin and header-admin after your first login !

Adjusting accessibility

The default behaviour of eGroupWare is: accessible from LAN + Internet with "forced https" (SSL on + rewrite rule) You can easily change those defaults settings with following commands:

# config setprop egroupware HTTPS on
# config setprop egroupware HTTPS off
# config setprop egroupware PublicAccess global
# config setprop egroupware PublicAccess local

Once done, apply modifications and restart Apache:

# expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
# service httpd-e-smith restart


eGroupWare provides Synchronization of calender, todo's, notes and addressbook with offline-clients like MS Outlook and PDA's. Unfortunally there is a requirement for PHP5 to accomplish these functions, which is not implemented in SME 7. But actually it is possible to sync to MS Outlook with the xmlrpc protocol and the eGWOSync application.

MS Outlook Synchronization

You can sync eGroupWare-Data to MS Outlook as follows:

1. Install certificate with MS Internet Explorer

  • Start Internet Explorer
  • Enter URL = https://servername
  • Enter "show certificate"
  • Enter "install certificate" and go on to install your SME certificate
Important.png Note:
Under Vista, you have to put your domain in the approved website list before being able to install the certificate.

2. MS Outlook

  • Finish your MS Outlook if active.
  • Go to system control, register mail.
  • show profiles... -> delete all profiles
  • Start MS Outlook, create a new profile with your mail account

3. eGWOSync

Download eGWOSync and .NET, if necessary. If your .NET release is newer than version 1.x, you must install both versions on your system.

  • You need .NET Version 1.x, eGWOSync accepts no newer versions
  • User/Password = SME user account/password
  • Domain = default
  • Hostname = SME domain
  • Port = 443
  • Use SSL = enabled
  • URL = keep default values
  • Perform test

4. Funambol

Download Web site: Funambol Web Site Download Funambol 6.5.7 link [1]

1) Install the last Funambol Plugin
2) Change "7" to "0" for mbstring.func_overload = 0 in php.ini 
3) Open Outlook go to the Funambol Setup (Funambol --> Option)
4) Select all items
5) Setup options:


Location = http://Domain Name/egroupware/rpc.php or http://Server IP/egroupware/rpc.php
Username = Your user login name for eGroupWare
Password = Your user password for eGroupWare


Sync Direction = Two-Way
Remote name = ./sifcontacts
Data Format = SIF
Sync Direction = Two-Way
Remote name = ./sifcalendar
Data Format = SIF
Sync Direction = Two-Way
Remote name = ./siftasks
Data Format = SIF
Sync Direction = Two-Way
Remote name = ./sifnotes
Data Format = SIF


To get success with synchronisation put thoses settings in .htaccess file in the root folder of egroupware (html):

Run this on PuTTY:

  1. db accounts setprop egroupware AllowOverride All
  2. signal-event ibay-modify egroupware

.htaccess file settings:

  • AddType text/xml .xml
  • php_value memory_limit 32M
  • php_value max_execution_time 60
  • php_flag register_globals Off
  • php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
  • php_flag magic_quotes_runtime Off
  • php_value upload_max_filesize 16M
  • php_flag session.use_trans_sid Off
  • php_value session.gc_probability 1
  • php_value session.gc_divisor 10
  • php_value mbstring.func_overload 7
  • <Files rpc.php>
  • php_value mbstring.func_overload 0
  • Order allow,deny
  • Allow from all
  • </Files>

--- --Stéphane Gauvin -- Service Informatique SG 09:29, 1 March 2008 (MST) --Snoopyski 19:04, 20 September 2007 (MDT)

syncml configuration

From http://forums.contribs.org/index.php?topic=40242.new;topicseen#new

Here are the steps to configure syncml with egroupware:

1. Install php5-cgi as explained in this howto http://sme.firewall-services.com/spip.php?article46

(Stop after Step 3, Step 4 is just an example)

2. Create a custom-template so that rpc.php is handled by php5:

vim /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/90egw-syncml

and enter the following:

<Location /egroupware/rpc.php>
      AddHandler php5-cgi .php
      Action php5-cgi /php5-cgi/php

3. Edit /etc/php5/php.ini (this file has no templates so you can edit it directly)

On Line 304

memory_limit = 8M

change it to a bigger value, for example

memory_limit = 32M

On Line 1191 uncomment the line:

mbstring.func_overload = 0

(This may not be useful as php5-cgi has been compiled without mbstring support).

There is no need for a htaccess file (htaccess could configure php4 because it's an apache module but not php5-cgi).

expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 
sv t /service/httpd-e-smith
sv s /service/httpd-e-smith

To check syntax is OK do:

httpd -t

syncml has been tested with the Funambol plugin for Outlook (several versions) & works OK.

Gallery2 addon

Gallery2 is the first addon available for eGroupWare 1.4.002

It has been integrated in smeserver-egroupware-1.4.002-3.noarch.rpm (but not installed by default)


Gallery is an open source web based photo album organizer. Gallery gives you an intuitive way to blend photo management seamlessly into your own website whether you're running a small personal site or a large community site.

For more information see http://gallery.menalto.com/.

Gallery2 install

First, login at Config setup with your existing creditentials and clic on Manage Applications.


Then simply click on Gallery install checkbox and save your changes.


Gallery2 setup

Once Installed, you need to configure your website and create the database. This step has been prepared by the RPM install.

Open your web browser at https://yourdomain.com/egroupware/gallery/gallery2/install and follow instructions.

In the 4th step, you will be asked for a storage folder. RPM install has prepared /opt/egroupware/files/g2data, please don't change neither path nor permissions!


In the 5th step, you will be asked for MySQL informations. RPM install has prepared egwuser egroupware and your DbPassword automatically. Just save and finish the install.


Gallery2 icon

Once the setup is done you can add the icon in eGroupWare's interface. Login to eGroupWare with an admin account, and edit a user or a group and add gallery

EGW-G2-add icon.jpg

Important.png Note:
The gallery can also be accessed with no authentication at https://yourdomain.com/egroupware/gallery/gallery2

Additional information

Have much fun with eGroupWare as your preferred Groupware !

Dietmar Berteld (berdie)