Cups for SME Server 8

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For questions or comments regarding this HOWTO, contact Shiena of Computing SOS.

Install Jbig-Kit

  1. Download Jbig-Kit.
  2. cd /tmp/
    tar -zxvf jbigkit-2.0.tar.gz
  3. Before compiling jbig-kit, make sure gcc is installed to avoid this error make[1]: gcc: Command not found.
  4. rpm –qa | grep gcc

    You will have similar output below if it is installed:

  5. If you only have the libgcc, you still need to install the gcc, here’s how:
  6. yum install gcc

    If you will get an error "No package gcc available. Nothing to do" then do this:

  7. Change directory to your uncompressed jbigkit folder:
  8. cd jbigkit
    make test
    make clean

Install SpliX if you use Samsung Printer

SpliX is a set of CUPS printer drivers for SPL (Samsung Printer Language) printers. If you have such a printer, you need to download and use SpliX. If you're not using Samsung printer, then no need to install SpliX.

  1. Download SpliX 2.0.0 (latest version at the time of writing)
  2. cd ../
    tar –jxvf splix-2.0.0.tar.bz2
    cd splix-2.0.0

    If you will receive this error, /bin/sh: g++: command not found, then issue this command:

    yum install gcc-c++

    Then you might receive an error, /bin/sh: cups-config: command not found, then issue this command:

    yum install cups-devel
  3. Copy libjbig.a to /usr/lib/folder.
  4. cp include/libjbig.a /usr/lib/.
  5. We can now build the binaries and executable program from the source code.
  6. make
    make install

Install GhostScript

Check if you have GhostScript installed by issuing "rpm -qa | grep ghostscript", if you have then jump to the next step.

  1. Download and install GhostScript
  2. cd /tmp/
    yum localinstall ghostscript-8.15.2-0.rvda.1.i386.rpm

Install CUPS

  1. Install CUPS from sme-contribs (version 1.3.7 is the latest version at the time of writing)
  2. yum install --enablerepo=smecontribs cups
  3. Update SME
  4. signal-event post-upgrade
  5. Start CUPS
  6. /etc/init.d/cups start
  7. To start CUPS everytime a server reboots.
  8. ln -s /etc/init.d/cups /etc/rc7.d/S93cups
    ln -s /etc/init.d/cups /etc/rc6.d/K93cups

Access CUPS Administration Page

  1. On your console, issue this command:
  2. elinks http://localhost:631
  3. Go to Administration tab, enable Allow remote administration. Don't forget to click Change Settings.
  4. Now you can login to server's CUPS thru a web browser using your server's IP address or hostname ( or https://servername:631/admin)

Add a Printer

As an example, we will be adding Samsung SCX-4216f (USB connected to D-Link DP-300u printer server) to CUPS, accessible for Windows 7 64-bit client.

  1. Go to Administration tab
  2. Tick the following and make sure to click Change Settings:
    • Share published printers connected to this system
    • Allow printing from the internet
  3. Click Add Printer
  4. Use the following:
    Name: SamsungSCX4216f
    Location: Office
    Description: Samsung SCX-4216f Device: LPD/LPR Host or Printer Device URI: lpd://ps1/usb1 (assuming your D-Link DP-300u hostname is ps1 and the queue name is usb1) Make: Samsung Model: Samsung SCX-4200, SpliX V.2.0.0 (pt_Br)
  5. Now on your Windows 7 computer, go to:
  6. CUPS-Win7-shared-printer-by-name.jpg

    Note: You can see the exact URL of your printer by clicking the printer name while in CUPS administration page as per image below.
    • Select Generic from the left side menu, then select MS Publisher Imagesetter
    • Now do a test print.