
From SME Server
Revision as of 04:56, 30 July 2007 by Kruhm (talk | contribs)
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1. It might be useful to make a shorter, more printer-friendly version. Maybe as pdf?

2. Another suggestion is to replace the names bigdisk, mp3 and hdc1 with variables that the user can change to fit their situation.
These variables will then change the later paths automatically.
I think that would increase the success-rate when using it.

3. Maybe combine suggestion 1 and 2, so the printable version show the customized paths? Would that be doable? How?

4. Is it really necessary to go to runlevel 1 (with telinit 1)?
It's a petty that I can't do these actions thru an ssh-client (copy and paste-ability).


Doesn't the CONSOLE > MANAGE DISK REDUNDANCY already take care of this automatically? If so, I don't know why this HOWTO is needed.