Talk:SME webapps tool

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<VIP-ire> yep, would should I answer to ?

<stephdl> hi

<LayLow1> webapps plays an important role, I was wondering if we can create a wiki page a document the contribs

<VIP-ire> well, it's not really a contrib of its own

<VIP-ire> it's more a kind of framework I use for all my other web based contribs

<LayLow1> correct, it provides crucial functionality, just not to the end user, but under the hood

<VIP-ire> providing the webapps-update event (against which every other web related stuff links it's templates to be expanded)

<VIP-ire> some alternative apache template to use as virtualhost

<LayLow1> Yes, and I never got my head around it completely, and the db keys

<LayLow1> hence my wish to have a wiki page on it

<LayLow1> but I lack the ability to descibe it correctly

<VIP-ire> not that hard ;-)

<VIP-ire> there's not much in this contrib

<VIP-ire> just 2 important things

<VIP-ire> - the webapps-update event (which just expand a few core templates + restart some services)

<VIP-ire> - the WebAppVirtualHost templates, which can be used as more flexible templates for apache vhost

<LayLow1> right....

<VIP-ire> the most important options are visible here: /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/WebAppVirtualHost/50Content

<LayLow1> and that is where my blackspot is ;-)

<VIP-ire> basicly, you can create a domaine like this:

<VIP-ire> db domains set domain Description "My super custom app" Content Primary Nameservers internet TemplatePath WebAppVirtualHost DocumentRoot /opt/stuff RequireSSL enabled

<VIP-ire> signal-event domain-create

<VIP-ire> compared with the standard virtualhost templates, you have: the DocumentRoot key, which lets you choose an arbitrary document root instead of having to choose an ibay

<VIP-ire> there's the RequireSSL key

<VIP-ire> there're some more options if you use the ProxyPass directive

<VIP-ire> you can also use Authentication=Basic

<VIP-ire> to ask for a basic auth when reaching this vhost

<VIP-ire> and if you're also running smeserver-lemonldap-ng, you can set alternatively Authentication=LemonLDAP

  • LayLow1 remembers something about AliasOnPrimary?

<LayLow1> Many months ago, we discussed this re shared folders and webdav being reachable on a subdomain and not on /name

<VIP-ire> AliasOnPrimary is an option I always add to my web based contribs (and is also available for shared folders)

<VIP-ire> if set to disabled

<VIP-ire> the default /stuff alias on the primary domain won't be added to apache

<VIP-ire> it's only useful if you create a domain which document root points to the app/shared folders

<LayLow1> stephdl: see why I would like to document all of this :-)

<LayLow1> VIP-ire: thanks

<LayLow1> VIP-ire: would you call it a tool or a framework?

<VIP-ire> well, it's not complete enough to call it a framework